So recently someone posted a challenge on the
Privateer Forums. The challenge was to make a 50 point list that could handle a 150 point list consisting of nothing but Mechanithralls. That's 300 mechanithralls. Obviously this was meant as a thought experiment, but I took it a step further and put it together on Vassal.
I won't give a step by step "battle report", but I did take screenshots of the vassal game as it progressed. I think just the pictures and some captions will be enough to get a feel for how the game went down.
First the lists:
* Cyclops Raider
* Rhinodon
* Titan Cannoneer
* Razor Worm
2 Bloodrunner Master Tormentors
2 Venator Catapult Crews
min paingivers
max swordsmen + ua
max reivers + ua
Hexeris leads the defenders |
VS300 Mechanithralls
So Many zombies I had to color-code them |
A cautious advance to get something in the zone |
the zombies break ranks and charge up the field |
center of the table |
Skorne draws first 'blood', with catapults and obliteration doing some heavy work |
Zombie pour into the zone. I feel a feat turn coming! |
Feat turn kills a metric ton of zombies, and even clears the zone for a control point |
the remaining zombies get some revenge on the swordsmen |
the zombies are too clumped up and take heavy losses from AOEs and reiver fire. rhinodon has a great thresher |
The rhinodon almost dies, left on 3 boxes. zombies pour in |
my respect for reivers takes a huge spike |
they just keep coming |
Holding strong on the hill |
Zombies almost break through the defenders. and score 1 control point |
Hexeris stops slinging spells and gets his hands dirty, almost reclaiming the zone |
missing a picture here... zombies killed most of the reivers, the Rhinodon and hexeris got their revenge |
that last zombie tries to kill my Rhinodon, but thanks to a lot of healing over the course of the game he fails by 3 or 4 |
Hexeris survives the zombie apocalypse! |
Hopefully this will inspire other people to try out this challenge! I'm sure some lists could do even better than this one did, and I'm curious to see whether some of the other lists mentioned on the forums could handle themselves. butcher + doom reavers? thunderhead + nemo? Gerlak Slaughterborn by himself?