Well, good evening to you all. I'm taking a long time to write a fairly short intro to one pic because I'm typing whilst looking at the TV.
Erm, played around with some colours. Rather than arse around with I think I counted 7(?) different paints, shades, glazes and whatever other watered down horses piss they can sell you, I decided to use no more than 3 colours for the DA armour. These colours are caliban green, moot green and sybarite green. The last two are the same brightness, but I really loved the look of sybarite green that I convert the final highlights into a desaturated erm, line highlight.
Very very rough and ready, just to see how the colours played out. |
So let's just all pretend that he's fighting a battle to the North, while the primary sun of the hypothetical planet is in the East.
Yeah tenuous, but fucked if I'm going to do all over edge highlights.
Errr that was a lot of words for a fairly uninteresting post.
PS: Just realised that if I type whilst looking at the tv, I write 'erm' a lot.