My undefeated Wood Elves played against the Warriors of Chaos earlier tonight, and as I can't be arsed to write out a full BatRep I'll spoil the result for you now.

The Woodies won.  Again.

It was 2400 points a side, and Paul had a strong looking army - 3 level 2 fire wizards to destroy my trees and a khorne lord on juggernaut, 2 unit of knights, 2 blocks of warriors, 2 blocks of marauders and two warshrines, with a sprinkling of tzeentch for extra survivability.

He spread out to limit my movement advantage, but was suckered into following my scouts, wild riders and dryads onto the left half of the board, leaving both marauder blocks and one unit of knights facing 40 bows, a dragon and a treeman!  Whilst I minced these three units, my wild riders and scouts led him a merry dance to stall his super-killy units from reaching my squishy troops.  My dryads sat in some woods and held up his warriors long enough for my treeman and dragon to enter the fray.  Eventually my treeman died, but my dragon ate so many chaos warriors it must be ill! 

It ended up with me having 1550 points left on the table to his 724, which consisted of a warshrine, lord and knights.  My fast cavalry and scouts really played their part, running away time and time again for the greater good, and once again my dragon couldn't be bested.

Paul had one aim for this game - he wanted to kill my treeman, and for the first time ever managed to do it!

We would have rescheduled for the WoC to have another crack at the woodies, but our annual fantasy tournament begins next week.  Unfortunately this means the woodies have to be packed away after 8 games (7 wins and one draw) but, my twin dragon high elves come out to play instead!  That's right folks, three tournament games (we play them over club nights) where I swoop dragons around the board making realistic sound effects, and whilst my opponent wonders if I've escaped from the mental asylum they don't notice that they have in fact lost the game.......

It's genius I tell you, Genius!!!!

Until next time,

