Good afternoon guys,

Its update time again :-) , after a month or so off from working on the Red Corsairs Im back to preparing the next batch for painting. this being the slowest part the conversion work.

Now the next batch of stuff I will be preparing is an additional 250pts ready for the next meet up at WHW with Rictus and Nife, that 250pts roughly works out to:
  • 3 Terminators
  • 5 Plague marines
  • Sorcerer(so I can swap between him and the normal lord)

I will be working on some Raptors, Cultists and another tactical sized squad of corsairs at the same time.

Anyway to the point of this update, pictures:

This is based on the Dark Vengeance Librarian, hes been true scaled in line with the rest of my corsairs, I've swapped the arm out to give him a bit more of an open pose I've kept the force weapon from the base model and started to add some flames to it. I wasnt't a fan of the original head so have given him a helmet taken from one of the chosen.

Over all I'm rather happy with how hes turned out, just a case of finishing him off now :)