I haven't posted any flash fiction for a while, and I used to put up a story with 140 characters pretty much each week, so today I found a few minutes to see if I still can; 140 is a good mental workout.

As inspiration this time I took a few subjects I've been pondering: that dragon-bred early human concept, the Kingdom Death Kickstarter, the as yet unfinished Maelstrom table, the possible ocean inside Titan, its lakes, the first Earth-launched probe to be landed in the outer solar system - Huygens - and the words we use and what they say about us.

So a tale of flight, consciousness and Others, in 140 characters. Line breaks count one.

They. Beasts swam the night sea. Hunting. Us. We... We held out, hold our breath, swim up - caverns, ice. Emerge in dark.
Light flared. You.

The pronouns and tenses do the work. With the talk of Tolkien again I'm also wondering how simply a history can be shown or how many words a people needs to be in context.

At any rate, if the first set of links wasn't enough to help you out of context, a few recent posts that fit the themes are the current sculpt-in-progress at Outside the Universe Itself, the Mosasauroids and Nautiloids at Fate SF, FrDave's superb Slave Pits of Abhoth draft, Needles' trailer for his next campaign and everything at Hereticwerks the past few days.