I’ve finished my apostate preacher of Nurgle from Forge World. As I mention in an earlier post, I experimented with glazes on this model. The green cloth was glazed with Liche Purple in the recesses in order to help define the shading and to ensure that the green worked with the purple robes tonally. I also used Seraphim Sepia glazes on the green to put back some of the warmth that was lost through highlighting. Similarly the flesh was glazed with reds and purples to help tie the different areas of the model together and to provide an unhealthy and suitably Nurgley appearance to the skin. The metal areas also had glazes of brown, green and turquoise applied randomly in order to give a tarnished feel and introduce a little interest to the metal.

All of the glazes were made by mixing Citadel paints or washes/shades with Lahmian Medium which gives great control over the glaze. The idea is to use an almost transparent glaze and to build up the colour with several applications rather than one heavy one.

The scenic base was also great fun to do and I think it really adds to the mood of the piece by giving the character a setting and complementing the final look of the model. This was made from a jar lid (in this case from a M&S spice jar which make great bases for 28mm models) following the same method as I used for my ork. Of course, I had to add the obligatory Nurgling. This guy is one of the old Trish Morrison designed Nurglings from the ’90s which I think are still among the best. They are such brilliant, characterful little models which combine just the right amount of comedy and menace.

As always I’d love to hear what you think.

All the best,
