Evening readers irregular update time :-P

I return home from work today to find a parcel awaiting from none other than that scoundrel Rictus, it contained the first casts he made of the bases I sculpted to use with warhammer quest. So I've quickly glued a few of the stormvermin I have onto them:

Next up are some bases I've started to make up for my small Heresy Era Imperial fists force:

In other news me and Rictus have finally managed to nag Nife into setting up a blog, now be warned he only paints once or twice a millenium but when he does, it is worth seeing. Who knows we might be able to get him to paint more often with sufficient nagging :P

Go take a look and join the nagging bandwagon.

Update on the Sorcerer and ome Terminators soon too :)