So, finally, the slayer is done.  I had a ball of a time painting him up, and he made me remember that I love to paint dwarfs and I think I'm quite good at it!  This guy was also a reminder to try new stuff - the tattoos and the banner for example - and only with practise will I improve.

The finished slayer on his base.  The axe blade I am still not happy with, I have some real trouble painting silver metallics.  I can never seem to get them to look right, the shading and layers are too similar I have found.

The rest of him though, I am happy with.

The trousers were a little bit of an experiment.  They were originally going to be blue but the shading on these was very strong.  But the dark contrast works well here.

A good shot of the wood grain. Something I am still practising with, some of it is still a little too thick to look good.  But this one worked really quite well.  His beards highlights show up really well here, I had a hard time with the orange but it worked out well in the end.

A nice shot of his skin and tattoos.  The skin I am particually happy with.  It took me a while to be happy with it, but the more I looked the more I liked.  That said, doing a unit of 30 of them might drive me crazy.

More shots of his tattoos.  Just some simple designs, runes or just patterns, it looks better than empty to my eyes.  He had a lot of empty skin.

The base is inspired by the book I'm reading: "The War of Vengeance - The Great Betrayal" by Nick Kyme.  This, if you don't know, is about the war of dwarfs and the high elves on the Old World.  I have enjoyed it so far, and not been quite so critical as I have seen others of the authors details (will discuss this at a later date)  But the banner is an elf one.  I fancied doing something that had been stomped into the ground, I'm unsure as to whether or not the torn look of the bottom of the banner worked.  I like the broken spear, but again the broken parts might not be that obvious.

In addition all my stuff sold.  Thanks to anyone who bid, and I made a hell of a lot!  £298.86 from all my auctions!  The Blood Bowl team didn't really go for what I would have truly liked, something for me to work on next time - promote them better and price the start a little higher.  In the end it's final price was £48, which still isn't that bad but would have loved to have it sell for more.