Last night I managed to paint another Irongut using a new method for painting the flesh and at speed. This Ogre took me 3 hours total including wash drying time! The basing needs some tidying up and the metal work is my best but overall I think he came out OK. The flesh isn't perfect but was much easier than the normal way I do it but the main improvement was due to mix in a little Lahmian Medium (Paint thinner) into Cadian Flesh tone which really makes the application of the paint a lot easier and smoother. You have to do a base of Bugman's Glow and then two thin layers of the Cadian Fleshtone but I think it is worth it. I have also used a much larger brush for this model during the base coats only dropping down to a Winsor Newton size 3 to correct mistakes or small details.

This Irongut leaves me just 5 Ironguts short of a horde and so for what I consider to be the hardest hitting death star in the game. A unit of 18 Ironguts with a champion puts out 55 strength 6 attacks, 6 Str 4 Stomps and upto 18 strength 6 impacts!!!! If you add the Dragonhide banner the unit becomes truly horrific. I'm not saying that this is what I would take all the time but for a huge game or for a bit of a laugh this could be pretty good!