I found this on an image search. This is from the Uplifting Primer, which has lots of great diagram art like this. |
Nothing is really new here (with exception to the brusque warning -attached below- that if I were YOU citizen, I would heed!) however this still remains a great reference for the RPGs (Dark Heresy and Only War particularly) and is generally just great Imperial propaganda that adds a great feel and sense of duty to the budding Imperial Guard commander. When I ever get around to fielding my IG army, I think I will take this with me to the game and randomly read litanies and propaganda during my opponent's turn. I mean, why not? Spirit of the game and all that...:D
If you missed my endorsement, or the link above elluded you, here is what the intro page says of the book:
"You there soldier! Don't know a las-cutter from a lascannon? Not sure which prayer to the God-Emperor will protect you from the enemy artillery fire? Need to know how to survive an explosive decompression on your drop ship or set up a crossfire ambush in a death world jungle? Better consult the handbook. The Munitorum adepts give us those things for a reason, you know..."
That proceeds this:
And it only gets more awesome from there! If you don't have it, you should. If you need a fun stocking stuffer for a fellow player, this is a great thing to give.