A few of the revelers this fine Krampusfest!
It's Krampusfest!

The last couple of years, we've been celebrating this fine holiday at our games club.  It's a great excuse to gather together and have a feast!  It only makes it better that it's a giant hairy monster we're celebrating, as well as the spirit of the holiday season!  Really, Krampus is the gift that keeps on giving.

This year our splendid Wargate Chefs (a.k.a. da Gurlz) spent a lot of time and effort bringing us authentic Germanic cuisine this year.  The layout was masterful: colorful grilled kebabs;  German style potato salad, sauerkraut, and even cheesy cauliflower (and broccoli)!  Homemade candies and fudge rounded off the meal, and as the beer and food flowed to explosive levels we set back into the Temple of Elemental Evil for more fun with Green Slime!

I want to thank everyone who made this Krampusfest as awesome as it was.  You all know who you are, so I'll just say it's good to have folks who care.  The Grill Crew & Captain were courageous and proficient as always, and the entire operation went off with just a few hitches.  Of course, any sort of undertaking this size is going to have hiccups.  It's good that no one noticed ours!

Next year remember to RSVP when Krampusfest invitations go out!

Next weekend we'll be starting AD&D 1e at 3 p.m. instead of the usual 6 p.m.  Let me know if you're going to have a problem making it over and plot a time.  Tabletop wargaming from noon to 3 p.m., so lets make sure to get some mileage this week on our wargames.  Both wargames are drawing to a close at the end of this month, so get your game on and cover those last few yards to the finish line!

Also, those of you willing to work on the next terrain project budget get with me this week.  We'll have a meeting where we decide what to fast track and I'll give a more detailed presentation of my vision of our collected worlds.

See you on Game Day!