Monday 26th - Sunday 2nd November/December 2012.

Yet again I've got nothing major to report. By blogging regularly I'd have thought I would be making sure I had something to talk about each week but it turns out that I lack more focus than very blurry thing.

That's not to say that some hobby related things didn't happen, they're just very minor. I bought a couple of green citadel paints to start work on my Ork warboss and yesterday I picked up my copy of the Crusade of Fire. I've only read the introduction so far but I have had a flick through and it does look like its going to be a great read. There's a fuck load of bitching about it all over the net which for me is a good sign because I seem to like the stuff that others don't! Speaking of which, my White Dwarf finally arrived on Monday. I'll be reviewing it very soon and it should be interesting as its the first of the new style issues where the main release isn't something I care about. Can the new style still keep my attention?

I haven't managed to get a burger this week. I had a nandos which is always tasty but the closest I came to beef was when I bought a rustlers one morning. Needless to say it won't be scoring on the burger blog but it is a guilty pleasure.

Forgot to mention I met Darth too.
So what else happened this week? I bought super mario galaxy (yes I realise everyone else has had it for years and probably completed it a million times). Anna and I decided to buy a second hand Wii together as our anniversary gift this year and we've been having great fun making our Mii's and playing on WarioWare. Not so much fun has been had with Cooking Mama, the instructions are rubbish and my wiimote is definitely to blame for my low scores!

Other than that I haven't lifted a brush or hobby knife all week which I feel terrible about, fingers crossed ill get back into it this week coming.

Oh and I finally made it down to Fish 4 Comics, hadn't been in a few weeks, well since the Cardiff Comic Expo last month, so had a small stack to pick up. Really enjoying the new TMNT series.

Last minute update! I just bought a few (6) white dwarfs and two citadel journals off eBay! To add to my joy I got them same day as they seller was visiting Cardiff! What a day off! Now it's time to put Die Hard on the tellybox and get my Christmas tree trimmed up. Festive photos to come next week folks.

Take care and may your hobby time be more fruitful than mine!