So I've decided to attempt to build one army that can be used as multiple lists (with the minimum of extra figs needed). So with this in mind I've built two 2000pts lists that I like the sound off. These lists use Codex: Chaos and FW: Tyrant Legion. I'm calling them pre and early post heresy.
# Same models from first list.
* Only used in this list.


*Lugft Huron 235pts
*Centurion Armeen, Power Weapon 70pts

40 Auxilla, 2x Heavy Stubbers, 2x Flamers
10 Marines, 2x Plasma Guns, Power Weapon & Melta Bombs (sgt), Rhino 235pts
10 Marines, Plasma Gun, Heavy Bolter 170pts

Copse Taker Garreon, Power Weapon, 9 Servitors 130pts
5 Assault Terminators, Lighting Claws 200pts

10 Bikers, 2x Plasma Guns, Power Weapon & Melta Bombs (sgt) 350pts

Devastator Squad, 4 Missile Launchers 150pts
Predator, TL Lascannon, side Lascannons 165pts
*Medusa 135pts

Post Heresy

*Huron Blackheart 160pts
#Copse Taker Garreon (count as Fabius Bile) 165pts

#20 Cultists, Autoguns, 2x Heavy Stubbers 120pts
#20 Cultists, Autoguns, 2x Flamers 120pts
#10 Marines, Boltguns, CCW, 2x Plasma Guns, Power Weapon & Melta Bombs (sgt), Veterans of the long war, Rhino 255pts
#10 Marines, Plasma Gun, Heavy Bolter, Chainaxe (sgt), Veterans of the long war 183pts

*Armeen the Mutilator 55pts
#5 Assault Terminators, Lighting Claws 207pts

#10 Bikers, 2x Plasma Guns, Power Weapon & Melta Bombs (sgt), Veterans of the long war 240pts

#Havoc Squad, 4 Missile Launchers, Flakk Missiles, Veterans of the long war 180pts
#Predator, TL Lascannon, side Lascannons 140pts
*Forgefiend 175pts

So what do you think? Same models for all marines, humans, coprsetaker, termies, bikers, predators. Which can then be used as a base for C: Marines led by valthex (not doing blood angels/wolves/dark angels as I'm planning lamenters/executioners/mantis allies). This way the collection is manageable plus I'm able to play which ever codex I wish that day.
As for paint scheme classic Astral Claws:
Apart from blackheart in the chaos list. I'm thinking some red growing up the leg as if the red is the corruption which over takes him.

Well that's it for now, look forward to your comments.