I have finally got my display cabinet sorted!  It has only been about three months, but finally I can get the dwarfs out for display.  This is all the dwarfs I have painted and based for the new look dwarf army.  I have also put on the top shelf the random minis I have painted and have with me (there are still some at the parents or need some repainting).

The top shelf is full of random minis, some I have painted for contest others just for fun and practice.  The group on the far right that you can't really see is the Possessed Mordheim gang I painted some time a go now.  The left hand side are all the dwarf minis that I have painted to a decent degree - I have plenty of other random ones to go up yet!

A nice close up of the centre here.  Yes, that marine (a Howling Griffon) has lost his hand.  It was originally holding a combat shield, just awaiting a freehand symbol of a Griffon - like his shoulder pad. I wasn't brave enough to freehand at all really then.

The necron is what I received last year as a secret santa project I hold each year on Librarium-Online.com.  We're in the process of this now, so more on that later.  The Chaplain is from my original space marine chapter, the Scions of Ra.  He has a freehanded symbol on his shoulder but my proudest part about him, is that I managed to lay some greenstuff over his eye to make it looked raked.  And next to him is Grimgor Ironhide.

Some minis I am very pleased to have on display once again.  Dwarfs.  I do love painting these guys.  I also like having a sort of evolution of sorts.  You'll see here, two Bugman's.  I am missing the old one, which I have somewhere ready for a repaint (though I recently sold off his rangers) and the newer one from WHW.

There is also the old White Dwarf model.  Once again I have more of these (one of this model still in the packet), including the old 80s version and the limited edition White Dwarf on Shieldbearers (who are Gotrek and Bugman).  I also have two versions of Gotrek and Felix to be repainted, a number of the older dwarf special characters (actually, I think I own all of them from the 5th edition book, and the 6th except for Thorgrim - I have the old version of him t my parents).

And now, my dwarf army.  I apparently misjudged just how many dwarfs I have for this army.  There are 3 20 strong units with great weapons, plus another 18.  One unit of 20 with hand weapons.  20 quarrellers, 10 thunderers and 20 metal longbeards.  Two war machines (stone thrower converted into a mortar) and five heroes.  In all, a good haul!

That said, I still have in my cases 20 Ironbreakers, 30 slayers and 20 old metal miners.  Still more to go!  :D

Right.  Secret Santa.  It works exactly the same as it normally does, but with miniatures.  I have run this for the past three or four years now, and have had a whale of a time doing it.  Even though I am sure I've only received a single mini.  Last year I painted up Mannfred Von Carstein - one of my favourite vampire minis (I HATE the new 'bald' version.  Stupid looking bastard.).  This time around I have once again gone down the undead route (I have no idea why...) and going for a converted necromancer.  I haven't gotten pictures, as he is in pieces for ease of painting, but hopefully soon.

He is based off of the empire wizard plastic kit, with a skull topped staff and a grimoire.  The base I am thinking of having a grave stone, or a dead body/ skeleton breaking though the ground.  Or him being up on a rock.  Not sure yet.

After this guy I think I'm going to restart my 40k ork army.  I have plenty of spare bitz lying about.  I am hoping to convert them more and possibly going for a burnt orange scheme rather than the turquoise.  I might keep the latter and just add the new ones on as a new 'tribe' or something similar.  So look out for a test ork in the new year.