Last night I started and finished this Irongut in one sitting and I have really hit my stride with painting the flesh and have my definitive technique. This guy really came out just how I am happy with and only took 4 hours to do from black undercoat.

The Method I now use for Ogre flesh is:

Two light layers of Bugman's Glow Base thinned with Lahmian Medium. (It is amazing how smooth a surface finish you get using this combination)

Two light layers of Cadian Fleshtone Layer thinned with Lahmian Medium. 

Light wash with Reikland Fleshshade

A light layer of Cadian Fleshtone Layer thinned with Lahmian Medium. 

Highlight with a 1:1:1 mix of Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh and Lahmian Medium.

The method give what I would call a realistic finish and not too extremely highlighted which is how I started out with the Ogres. This may sound obvious but I am guilty of doing it, let each layer fully dry before attempting another coat otherwise the paint will clump and granulate which looks terrible when you come to wash as the wash will pool in these imperfections terribly! Let me know how you guys get on with this technique, I would really like to hear your feedback!