Part 1 of the Terminators for this army. I say part 1, cause well there are a lot of photos for them, and I want to spread it out.
Following up with the faces on Monday, and the Power fist look on Tuesday, here are some more Terminators.
They do some out a bit darker still, as I could go with the darker scheme like the Wolf Guard. I think it fits better for them anyways, as this is more ancient armor, and what not.
First off, I want to thank Maz over at Winterdyne Commissions and his post concerning the Blood Angels. He provided the colors for the Frost Axe. Was not the easiest thing to paint up, but I think the end results came out quite nice. So thanks again Maz!
For the rest, well it was the same as before, but on larger models. I have to say that Terminators have a lot of space to get painted, and take forever to paint up! These, along with their 4 other brethren, took me all weekend to complete! Am sick of seeing them at the moment, so am glad to be away on a business trip. :)
Some more close up shots of the individuals here..
I took more shots of the last guy with the cloak, as I was told to make it red, but not overly red. So it has some VMC Burnt Umber as a base, mixed in with GW Mephiston Red. I think it came out nice once more, and again I think I will be picking up more Vallejo Model Colors in the future. When they work, they really work!
More tomorrow..