After actively contributing to the blog the past few days, I realized that I never posted up pictures of my converted HQ characters for my legion of the damned army.  Well it is finally time to unveil them. 

First up, Rune Priest converted from the Dark Vengeance Librarian. I swapped out his weapon for a vanguard veteran's power sword and his back pack was swapped out for a legion of the damned one with a torch added on top for some cool effects.  Finally, I cut off all of the dark angel details off of the model. 

I am really happy with how he came out.  One of the cool features about this guy is that there is object source lighting from the torch onto his back and hood. 

So who wants to see the Khan/Bike Captain conversion?

Second up, pictures of the WIP Bike captain

Naturally I used samuel's jetbike, removed some of the details that didn't make sense (like the plasma cannon), swapped out the rider, and added green stuff flames to the bike.  Initially I had the handle bars for the bike.... but while I was trying to cut off the attached hand to them, I broke them.  But with that being said, it allowed me to utilize a chain for steering (not to mention justification for having a power fist when using his as khan). 

Here is the final, painted version

Just like the rune priest, there is object source lighting effects done from the the flames on the bike.  In person, he is actually much darker then this picture, oh the joys of picture taking.   One thing that I am going to have to change is how high the flying stands are.  They make this bike twice the height of a terminator.  Therefore, when I get to it, I am going to adjust the stands so the bike is hovering just above the base.  This serves two purposes.  1) It allows the model to be more stable for transport between tables and 2) He becomes easier to hide.

I hope you guys enjoyed this look into my two HQ characters for my army.  I can't wait to start working on some more in the coming weeks.