So I've been painting some of a Dark Eldar battleforce I picked up for a planned slow grow type campaign thing I'm working on starting next year. 

This project is a little different, since I am sacrificing just a little bit of my attention to detail in order to get these models painted quickly and efficiently so they look pretty good on the tabletop, even if they aren't an exact match for the stuff in White Dwarf and the codex. 

The color scheme is the same though, because that glowing sick green just looks SO COOL. 

Basically, this is a quick overcoat of Incubi Darkness with Kabalite Green and Sybarite Green for the highlights. Flesh was done with Rakarth Flesh, washed with Reikland Fleshshade and then done in a quick, thin layer of Pallid Wych Flesh. No eyes, just letting the shading 'hint' at features. The Hydra Gauntlets and Agoniser were done with Sotek Green and some of the off white mixed in to lighten for highlights and drybrushing. Metals were simple one-coats of Balthasar Gold and Leadbelcher followed by quick highlights of Sycorax Bronze and Runefang Steel. No washes! Bases were done in Dawnstone painted over glued sand, washed with Nuln Oil, and drybrushed with Longbeard Grey -rims done in Steel Legion Drab. 

I'll post some pics of the Kabalite Warriors and the Raider and Jetbikes as soon as I can. Not sure if I want to airbrush the base or brush paint yet. More to come for Dark Eldar December. 

Also, I'm poring through the Chaos codex, so have no fear - next year looks like a major Chaos project is going to be in the works!