Let’s make VoxNet awesome!

So readers as you know I like to get the word out about VoxNet and I feel this may have taken me away from actually keeping this place up to date, this shows in the following post that we have received to one of our threads, now I am not naming people or saying where it a from, this is because I asked for the feedback and will take any negative and turn it positive, that my friends is how I roll.

So to my question “Has anyone checked us out yet”

“I have, the podcast bored me im sorry to say…it was basicly listening to some guys have an off the cuff chat. Also some infimation aside from your personal lives on the website would be nice :/
Im not trying to sound harsh but it seems more like a diary than anything else… ”

I love to hear what people think about what we do as if we don’t we will never progress, I am happy to say that this is the first time I have heard anything this negative and I appreciate the honesty. With this is in mind I now with the team going to make sure that the cast and blog is updated more with more information that people are asking for, this does not mean that the banter will go, why would it, this site is personal and if I want to rant I will. the team I am sure will assist with this and keep things swimming and improving.

Watch this space!