Hey guys!

Quick, late night update tonight. We're coming up on Finals week, so I'm looking at a 3 day period of insanity, followed by 3 weeks of nothing. I can't wait for finals to be finished, but as a result, the hobby front will be a little slow. Ill try and get a post up on Wednesday of this weekend's Blood Bowl tournament, but we'll see how that goes!

Anyways, two sets of photos today. First up is a Khador Warjack I worked on while at work. I have to be in a particular mindset to work on commissions at work, so occasionally I'll grab a model lying around and paint it.

As some of you know, these aren't my first Warmachine models, but this is the first time I've painted Khador in its standard Red scheme. Didn't have my full range of paints or brushes at my disposal, but for what I had, I'm fairly happy with it so far. I didn't get a chance to get more resent pictures, but the cannon has been painted, and the white space has a nice Soviet-esque star in the center of it. Thinking about a Cadian number transfer for his shoulderpad, but we'll see how I'm feeling!

Also up is a project for my sculpture class. The project entailed that we find a fact and build a piece around said fact. My roommate is a history major and just finished his Senior Seminar project about the Black Death, so I based the project around his project. My fact is that between 25% and 40% of Europe was eliminated by the Black Death during its first romp around Europe.

What better way to show death and destruction than a full-sized coffin?

Of course, I've tried it, and I do fit inside it. I've got a lot of work to do on it, but for the most part, I'm pretty happy with the project, its easily the largest art piece I've ever constructed. Gotta get used to painting objects larger than a quarter!

Alrighty, wish me luck with my finals! I'll definitely have finished pictures of the coffin, along with some High Elves and the Warjack. The mojo is kicking in too, and I should have that Henchmen army fully in my sights within the next two weeks! Tally ho!
