A little late, but here it is. Quick and easy, if you have 10 minutes to spare, and want to add some to your tank, this is a way to do it.

Now onto the real thing. The things you will need:

- gauze (is what I like to use, you can use other net like material, gauze works well with the 40k scale)
- paint(s) of your chice
- an old brush
- tweezers
- "leaves", tissue paper or even masking tape
- something you can mix paint and stuff together
- toothpick or something that you can move the thing around (if you have a tweezers, skip this)

Depending on the type of camo you do, mix up the paint(s) you want to use for the net with water, and dip the gauze right in. On a flat surface spread it out, if needed use a tissue to get rid of the excess paint (it fills the gaps in the net, we don't want that). Mix up paint for the leaves or paper, or you can just use the one you mixed up for the net.

(if you don't want to add anything to the net, you can use it as it is)

If you use leaves

Put the leaves right in the mix, and mix them, after a few seconds you can "paint" the leaves onto the net, and move them around as you see fit.

If you use paper

cut up the paper (cut it smaller than you see here, this is just for show) and dip it into the watered down paint (1:1 ratio) and stick it to the net while it's wet.

now we put the net (while wet) to the area we want to cover on the tank. Spread it around and push it into the cracks. No glue is required because the paint will make it stick to the tanks surface, if you want you can always put a few random drops of glue, just in case.

Let it dry, and you have yourself a nice looking camo net. Of course this is only two ways to do it, while the possibilities are endless, have fun and experiment with the stuff you add to the net.