A little break from my Spacecrusade project since I ran out of Greenstuff: I reworked my JMD Demon who goes by the name of "Hulk" by the way.

I used to field him in my Chaos Space Marine army as a greater daemon but since it is gone with the new codex I will most likely put him to use in a Chaos Daemon army- maybe a Great Unclean One? Not sure- The only greater demons without wings are the nurgle or the Slaanesh ones and I am not sure if he fits ether of their backgrounds.



Anhow- rules aside I have to say that I fell in love with the models when it came out some years ago and it is most likely the priciest of all my tabletop posessions. The detail of skin, muscle and character in this piece is just incredible- did I mention that I love the sculpt?

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"

JMD Demon "Hulk"