Right, so the week is over, I am back in Istanbul ( not that you can tell with the English rain we seem to be having at the moment ), and I have a tooth ache that could take down a dinosaur. Yes, a great start to the week, considering that I slept for about 30 minutes last night due to aforementioned tooth ache.
Anyway.. the wife let me have time to myself ( due to me being apparently cranky ) on Sunday after getting home from a week in England. So I have some time to clean up the painting desk, and work on a random model. Why random? Well, it was a friends of mine's birthday a week or so ago. Although we threw him an impromptu party, there were no gifts.. so in tradition of.. well.. this year? I bought, and painted him up something. Considering that he just bought an Empire Battalion, I figured he could use a wizard. Who can't use a wizard in Fantasy these days?
So yeah.. a quick couple hour paint job on this guy..
As always, tried a few new things with it. Some turned out well, some not so much, but in the end I think I like him, and I hope my buddy does as well. I think with the fur glove, and cloak, he could be a Beast Lore wizard, but that is just a guess.
Also, after meeting up with my Project UK client, I have batch 3 at home now. Currently sorting, prepping, assembling, and figuring out what I have stepped in with that batch. Some very interesting models, and designs in it. Lots of metal pieces, some resin, and a few plastics. Will be an interesting batch to say the least, and I look forward to diving into some of it, and others, well.. will see.. But I can say that there are a lot of models form the Warmachine range in it, and those I am quite excited to play around with.
Cheers for now, enjoy the Monday. I have a busy morning, and an even busier afternoon to get through. Oh and I really should go to the dentist before I take someone's head off at the office today!
Random Model.. Empire Wizard
by M R Lee | Dec 10, 2012