I'm sure like everyone else out there, you've seen many of the pictures from the Istvaan diorama that Forgeworld produced for Games Day this year. There's a few more below for you just because they are so very pretty.
Its currently on display at Warhammer World in Nottingham, in the case next to the main building entrance so that everyone can check it out. If you are there, take the time to look at it as it really is beautiful and a fantastic piece of work.
While I was looking at it something caught my eye and I just had to chuckle. I got some pics to show you all too. The pics aren't the best as it was a pretty bright day, behind glass and the light is kept low in the show cabinet to preserve the colours of the minis.
This is the left end of the diorama, in amongst the traitor legions:
![](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GsJ39Q_hnv4/UMIENXiy0cI/AAAAAAAABJg/Q_jUTVq87nE/s400/wheres_wally_ws.jpg) |
That's a heck of a lot of legion troopers, but wait, whats that? |
Wait a minute, there's something funny in that doorway, some kind of commander model perhaps?
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cLtSrKKLUOI/UMIE2CD1zoI/AAAAAAAABJo/ydeTQX5TAD8/s400/wheres_wally_wsc.jpg) |
Definitely a different colour, could it be a model that hasn't been released yet? |
You've got to be kidding, I'VE FOUND WALLY!!!
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TO2MmLXVlGc/UMIFTQaaDmI/AAAAAAAABJw/kJaAM5qQaDM/s640/wheres_wally_wscz.jpg) |
Red and white stripy shirt, check! Blue trousers, check! Beanie hat, check! Yep, its definitely Wally. |
Touché Forgeworld. I'd say that's on a par with a rick-roll :D I did drop Forgeworld a line to ask about him and it turns out I'm the first person to spot and inform them of spotting Wally. Woot!
I've included a full resolution image from my camera below so you can zoom in yourself if you want to double-check.
Cheers - and happy spotting, Andy