It’s time for the Waaaaaaaaaargh!
So it seems pretty certain that the good ol Greenskins will be hitting the Imperium in spring 2013, so with this in mind I decided to go and do some research on what we are looking to expect, please note that all this is still rumor until we have full conformation.
All rumors below are from Faeit 212
via Stickmonkey in the Bols LoungeRumor is the battle wagon is getting reboxed, and will include the deffrolla sprue. ETA 2013. Price rise expected.
I’m hearing an ork wave with buggies/trax, new battle wagon box (old battlewagon with deffrolla incl), tank bustas/flashgitz plastics, and deffcoptas.
This is in contention for Q2 model wave release.
Looks like a mini wave for ork players is on the way. Looks like this will slot in sometime in spring 2013 by my estimate…
Wave contents:
Ork buggy/half track Dakka/skorcha/rokket plastic (1x box) priced like Necron spyders
Deffcopters all options plastic (1x box) priced like Necron spyders
Meganobs all options plastic (5x box) priced like terminators
Flashgits upgrade finecast (3x clamshell) priced like boneswords
Cybork upgrade finecast (3x clamshell) priced like boneswords
Edit: corrected buggies and koptas, those are 1 per, In a sentinel size box. Had incorrect price points too… Still expensive
via Batty (from the Faeit 212 inbox)First we can start with orks what i have heard is that they stay the same with furious charge and mob rules but all orks ( not grots or squigs)
will get FnP 6+ as a race because they are basically tough and it takes a lot to kill and stop an ork.
Most weapons will stay the same except choppas are ap6 but gain ap5 on charge and big choppers will be +2s and ap4 and ap3 on charge.
Nobz stay the same but are getting more characterful upgrades available to them, new kinds or grot assistants such as suicide grots(act alot like bomb squigs but prone to blowing up in unit) and
ammo runts and attack squigs also more weapon options like Big shootas and such.
new nob mega armour unit with teleporting abilities but its teleporting works differently from conventional deepstrike bit more random.
There is a special mek character that can bestow teleportation on D3 units.
special bloodaxe character with rules that can bring back boyz units once they are destroyed, much like an imperial guard special character.
A large multi wound squigoth type creature, not FW, it is ever hungry and uses a hunger points system. if it doesn’t fulfill the hunger points in enemy’s it will rampage nearest unit friend or
foe in order to eat.
Two new ork psychic lists for weirdboys, Mork more offensive and Gork more strategic. Many powers in the lists get more powerful the more orks are around the weirdboy,
although the more powerful they are the more dangerous they are if they are miscast as they will often misdirect or hit the weirdboy and unit.
New ork only fortifications (including an ork rock) and an ork only warlord chart.
So it looks like the future for Ork players just got exciting, this doesn’t just appear to be a small army update with a new dex but more of an overhaul,
I am quite looking forward to the release of the buggies and traks, if only so I can Imperial them up for my rough rider squad!
The Squigoth made me chuckle, the rules just sound the usual type of Ork, if it doesnt eat enough it throws a hissy fit and attacks the nearest unit, there are going to be some solid horror stories coming from that. I know Ralph is going to be looking forward to this as he has just agreed to start a small Ork army…
Anyway I am personally looking forward to seeing what is going to be coming and will be posting more when I have more info.