It's time for another Daemon Prince! Since I am still out of greenstuff I grabbed my next open project and attached some wings to my Nurgle daemon prince.

The new codex Chaos Space Marines comes with a new Daemon Prince. It has a close combat weapon for equipment and has the option to buy a Daemon Weapon- I went for the Black Mace. Rulewise this gives him another D6+1 Attacks and raises his strength to 8- that puts this guy on par with a Bloodthrister (also point wise).

The conversion:
So I sat down and googled some warmaces to get an idea how to approach it. It should not look like an axe and not like a hammer and I think I pulled of a reasonable job. I used the heads of two undead grave guards as the top of the mace and a mace of beastmen ungor for the end. The rest is a brass rod and plastic tubing to give it increase the diameter.
I had the choice between several wings and decided to use the old bloodthirster variant. I bent it to fit and pinned it on the back of the model. The base of the model is an Ultraforge Lord of Pestilence and I even used the base it is delivered with to give him some extra height. I took the liberty to model a bunch of nurglings on it- one of them even sits on the prince's shoulder!

Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle