More on that another time.
You saw the Arcane Fulcrum in a previous post. I have also painted up the MASSIVE Skullvane Manse.
This was quite a bit of a project. There were large swathes of the main colors you see: grey, blue, bronze.
I started with the bronze using tin bitz as the first layer. Over the stone I did a cinnamon brown from Michaels to base coat. From there I added in some blue/green in the recesses of all the tinbitz to get some oxidization going. I went over all the cinnamon on the stone with a heavy grey drybrush. I think the brown undercoat gives it a more natural look. On something this ancient, surely dirt would have accumulated, not just more grey or black.
I worked up the tin bitz with coppers and golds and added some silver in at the end for the final sheen. After all that was done I washed it all in devlan mud.
I did the blues fairly simply, just going lighter in both color and amount in each successive step, ending with space wolf grey.
The wood was dark brown, drybrushed over with bestial brown and snakebite leather for the final look. Then I went and did a very simple metal on everything that needed it: nails, hooks, windows, etc. Skulls were all painted in white... kablammo, the finished project.
I've also been working on some grot tanks for a tournament upcoming. I've had these babies for a bit, finally put three of the four I have together and got to work.
There's all three in their glory. I made sure they looked like pieces of junk metal painted over by grots and left to rust and decay like they surely would.
I went for the same red and yellow pattern I do on all my vehicles. I wanted them ramshackle, which they are, but also wanted somewhat of a cohesive color scheme to match the rest of my army. Grots copy everything, so it makes sense to me.
I really emphasized how dirty they were. No clean painted, lots of chipping and aging. I even used some old flesh wash ink to give it the rusty look. I had toyed with some tamiya rust, but I think it dried out too much and doesn't work worth a damn anymore, so no go.
They're fun lil vehicles, all with grotzookas.
Three in total makes for a nice lil parking lot of doom. Plus I get to making zooming and beep beep noises with them all game!
What's next on the painting block? Killa Kanz and more Dark Elves! I have the urge to do some more Maneaters up for my Ogre army as well after proxying some and doing a Maneater deathstar in a recent game. I like the greenstuffing/molding challenge!
Until next time, keep it clean!