I don't manage to check out the greater interwebs often, but every once in a while I come across something sweet.  Today Dave from Miniwargaming emailed me a link to a contest video by Austin from Brush 4 Hire, and I wanted to share it here on the blog.  

In his video, he is advertising a contest where the grand prize is a 1500 point army painted by his service!  The models are donated by Dave and Matt from Miniwargaming.  

Here is the video:

So please take a look, and give Austin some props!

Also, Dave from MWG asked me to join their "Vault" community and I happily agreed after taking a quick look at some of the other guys on the list such as Blue Table Painting.  I have nothing but respect for the work they do and was honored to be part of the community.  I will be doing a weekly half hour show on Tuesdays at 8pm EST, but you have to be part of their Vault to see it!  

Tune in next week to the free live show on MWG. So far I have been painting Lamenters and talking Blood Angels. It is pretty fun!  

More to come...
