- James S at Warp Signal proposed the not-so-alien notion of army sharing...
- Matt Plonski at Apocalypse 40K described wargaming online with Vassal.
- The guys at Dark Future are reorganising their blog to highlight work in the wider community like tutorials, reviews of alternative bits and conversions.
- Loquacious at House of Paincakes followed up the OGL post and wondered about extending community licensing to other game systems and settings.
- For 40K especially, Tales of the Maelstrom posted a lead-in for tomorrow's festive meet-up, blending Rogue Trader's use of a GM with wide group play.
Interestingly, BoLS this week posted some homebrew, which I think is the first time in a good while. It's a full mission, like those Creative Twilight produce, possibly a step into a new golden age, and Loken reminded us of the first and its magical Lords of Battle pdf.
As for the title, if you thought New Model Army was only a group, have a read of this. If we are talking about the group, I know less than I do of the Levellers, whose name also references what we call the English Civil War, but here's a track and a video that fit well.