
So yeah I got a little excited about this project,

After we started discussing our new campaign the man known as Ralph brought up the idea of the game Inquisitor but using  28mm figures, after doing a bit of research on this I can see a very huge amount of feedback both positive and negative, well you know me, I will take a bad thing and prove it good.

So I decided to build up a warband of 6 units and so far I have found a couple of old units I had no real use for in my current armies, I feel these are going to work very well… Yeah yeah I know the paint job isn’t so good but I will be re-doing this I just wanted to post what I had found and then I can seriously stick to this project, so who do we have?

Baldy on the left: This unit will be Acolyte to my Inquisitor from my main guard army (Name in progress)

Sniper: Well pretty much sums it up I will be using him for long range attacks and stealth.

so watch this space I have 4 more models to produce and then onto the paint job Whoohoo! Also I might be converting quite a bit too, I am just not sure on that powerfist… Hmmmm