Old School here to share with you the first ever DFG Community Hub Round Up. There are tons of tutorials to look at in the links below. They can also be found on our Tutorials and Download Hub, where they will forver be available for our 60,000+ monthly readers to check out and find links to those blogs, site or posts.

This round-up includes a ton of tuts from weathering terrain to taking better photos and converting cyclone missile launchers. For more information on submitting your links, check out the link at the end of this article. Here is the round-up:

Industrial weathering with paint from Cameron
Airbrushing Imperial Fist yellow power armour from Cameron
Airbrushing graffiti from Cameron
Painting Heresy-Era Thousand Sons crimson from Mordian7th
Alpha Legion by Zab

Vellejo Primers by Zab

Building a servitor from Cameron
Cyclone Missile Launcher Conversion from Angels of Death
Tons of Tyranid Conversion Tutorials from 40kAddict
From WAY back, building mechanized Rough Riders from Mordian7th

Scratch Building Super Heavies
Building the Leviathan Command Carrier Series from Mordian7th:

Sculpting tools from Cameron
Sculpting Death Guard belly armour from Cameron
Sculpting with Chapstick and Gale Force 9 Greenstuff from Cameron
Converting the Dark Vengeance Marines Into Angels of Redemption from Zab

Brick bases with press molds from Cameron
Custom industrial bases with plasticard from Cameron

Assembling Showcase Models
Assembling the 40k Crimson Fist Anniversary Model from Zab


Painting chipped metal and rust on terrain from Cameron
Building a Modular canal system from Cameron
Building urban barricades from Cameron
Building shipping containers from Cameron
Terrain Templates from 40kAddict

Budget Miniature Photography: Set up from Cameron
Budget Miniature Photography: Lighting from Cameron
Budget Photo Setup from Angels of Death

Free Counter Downloads:
Rules Counters for gaming from Angels of Death:
Gaming Aids and Counters from 40kAddict

Wow, what a great first week. Even though we have all pretty much been busy at DFG with family obligations during the holidays, we still are very excited about this development and really look forward to more readers submitting links to their tutorials, reviews and (pretty much anything else useful). We will link to any format be it blog, web site or even a forum post thread as long as the material could be useful to another hobbyist and it will all be found here.

With that being said if you are interested in submitting your links, please e-mail them to darkfuturegames@gmail.com with the subject line "DFG LINKS" and please include the links, broken down by catagory so we can easily get them up for the world to follow.

This whole hub idea comes mainly from inspiration of how useful the FTW hub was that Ron built back in the day ... and also by the fact that I have seen other "blog networks" basically publishing whole articles under their hub instead of politely linking so other people can discover new blogs. I want DFG to be a place where people can go and not only check out our content, but also find other people's work one those people's sites, not ours!

With all that, please submit your links if you have them and if you would like to join the nearly constant conversation we are having in our Facebook Group, please go there and join it. We have been talking about everything from the Chaos Codex to self-casting to how to keep the wife happy while we hobby! In any case, have a great Monday!