The first of my  Blue Meanies.
First of all, thanks to Rich for inviting me to contribute to his excellent blog. I'm unlikely to post with anything like the regularity he does but I'll do my best to add some sporadic rambling about the state of my stunties.

I met Rich at Winter War in Dunfermline where he very kindly helped me on my way to winning Best Dwarf. It was only my second tournament after making a return to the hobby in the spring, and whilst I took pretty much all his toys off, it was, for much of the game, too close to call and was tremendous fun. He's a proper gent I look forward to continuing to smash his Ogre Filth in the future!

The first and hopefully not the last.
So  two tournaments into my Warhammer career I've definitely been bitten by the bug and am looking forward to the Falkirk Free For All in February. It's using the Swedish Comp system, which I can't wait to try out, especially as it encourages different and perhaps more enjoyable army builds. I'm using it as an excuse to get my Slayers painted up.

To be honest my painting is never going to, as Rich did at Winter War, win any Best Painted awards but I feel like I'm improving with every beard I paint and thoroughly enjoy sitting down in front of the TV with my paints out. So if anyone has any tips to help me improve I'll gladly take them.

Runesmith finished on Sunday.
This Runesmith is my latest, as I prepare for doubles game I'm playing with my brother and some friends on Saturday night. I'm getting an old fort out I've had in the cupboard for years and have attempted to come up with some fun rules for the night so we'll see how that goes.

Anyway ta ta for now and thanks for reading.