So last week was a complete mess with real life.. so much so that I really did not get much done on the painting front due to the mass of overtime that I had to touch upon.

Then there was this past weekend where my good buddy BuRock showed up for some birthday shenanigans.. and also for me to teach him a bit more on how to use the airbrush some more. Along with some of the other items kicking around my painting area. Including working on varnishing a wooden plinth, and doing a basing test with cork board. It was also the first time that either of us worked with Pigments, so it was quite interesting to see the results below..

You can also see the WIP of the varnish ( Used the Strong Army Painter Dip here actually! ) on the wood plinth. I like it so far, but need to see if the top will also look the same or not. Now I can work on some more mini-dioramas and create a few of my Bust Plinths as well for the Massive Voodoo painting competition coming up ( Deadline Feb 15th now.. thankfully! ).

After a night of drinking and laughing over how poorly we all do different accents... the idea of getting more of my things painted versus some of my clients. Considering the large post I did a while back showing what my collection looks like, and what is unpainted. And also the fact that non of it has moved since taking that photo!

With this in mind, we decided that Sunday was going to be Production line painting day. So with a bit of a hangover, and some local pocas for breakfast/lunch/snack, we dove into the Dark Angels from the Dark Vengeance box set, and the regular marines from the Assault on Black Reach box set. Giving me 30 marines.

Over a few hours we got the above 30 marines assembled, primed, and bases finished. I doubt I will get much more done on these guys this week as I need to finish up my Kingdom Death model for WAMP's contest. So most of my time will be spent on that, but as soon as that is finished, I might continue on with these guys a bit more just to test out a bit more Marine techniques and highlighting. So far I am having fun with them, although I know that my color scheme in mind for them are probably not the most accurate for this chapter. Thankfully, they are for me, so I just have to be happy with them right?

Some more shots of them, and a bit more close up...

The green is a bit brighter here due to the lights and auto-balance on the photos, but I will tone it down a bit more making them a lot darker. Expect lots of dark reds to be applied as well as some NMM sections potentially ;)

Let's see what the week brings me this time around though :)