As I mentioned in my last post, I am painting the goblins from The Hobbit box set to use as ghouls in my Vampire Counts army. Here's a work in progress shot of some of them. This is the figures at the clean stage, they are still to be rusted, grimed and bloodied. I have been taking pictures at each stage, so I will put up a tutorial when they are finished.
I have also started work on another character for the Vampire Counts army, based on the Malifaux Zoraida the Hag figure. I have swapped out the hands for a staff and summoning pose, as I intend to use it as a necromancer, even though I already have two of those. Still, a coven of three witches has a nice classic feel to it, so why not? In any case, this model could, at a push, be used as a vampire character.
Progress has been hampered by a nasty cold, but I am over the worst of it now so will hopefully have them both finished within the next week or so.
WIP ghouls and (yet another) necromancer
by Old Fogey | Dec 17, 2012