Now then, the third round of our winter tourney won't be happening until January so for he last club night before xmas I've lined up a game against some Tomb Kings.

I've only played TK's once before, and that was before their new book was released.  It was also during my 6 month 'invincible' period I had with the Helves about two years ago (eventually the helves had to be put away as nobody would play them!) and I destroyed them in 4 turns.  I'm expecting a different challenge this time round though.

As I'm expecting to face an extremely well-painted necrosphinx, a fast-moving killy character is needed, but to compete elsewhere in the battle I don't want to take a dragon.  This is my answer:

Noble, Barded Elven Steed, Dragon Armour,  Foebane, The Enchanted Shield, The Pidgeon Plucker Pendant and The Potion of Foolhardiness.  147 points.

Elven steed for 8" move, 16" march and swiftstride to catch the necro in the first place.  A 1+ save, 2+ ward vs flaming attacks and a 5+ ward  vs models with the Fly special rule.  Immune to psychology on the charge, with 4 attacks re-rolling to hit on 3's, and then wounding on a 2+ regardless of toughness, with -1 to armour saves.  Surrounded by Silver Helms, and hopefully with some shadow magic help, the big stone beastie will be dead before it can attack back!  Well, that's the theory....

The rest of the 2400 army is a bit like this :

Archmage, lvl 4, Shadow, annulian crystal, amulet of protection, ironcurse icon
Noble BSB, GW, DA, banner of the world dragon
Choppy noble on steed (see above)

25 spearmen
25 spearmen
10 Archers

20 Pheonix Guard (banner of sorcery)
20 Swordsmasters (lion banner)
10 Silver Helms
5 Ellyrion Reavers

Wish me luck!  I'll do a batrep at some point
