So the last 2 times I have gone to my FLGS I had brought the Tyranids again. This week I fought against one of our better players at the store and current LAtCS Thunderdome Champion, Matt "Long Hair" and  his Space Wolves. Last week I fought against one of the newer guys at the store. He has been around for about a year now but keeps jumping to different books, last week he had Dark Angels Deathwing with some Ravenwing support.

Nids V Dark Angles Turn 1 movement
So I played the same list as I did against the Tyranids the week before.
Hive Tyrant w/Armored Shell
Hive Tyrant w/Armored Shell, Devoureres, Bonesword Lashwhip
2x Tyrant Guard w/Lash Whips
1x Tyrant Guard w/Lash Whip

20 Termigaunts w/Devourers
20 Hormagaunts w/Toxin Sacs, Adrenial Glands

Doom W/ Mycetic Spore
Zonantrope w/ Mycetic Spore

30x Gargoyles w/Toxin Sacs, Adrenial Glands

My opponent had
Integrator Chaplain w/Terminator Armor

10x Tac Squad w/Plasmagun, Plasma Cannon
5x Deathwing terminators w/upgrades...
5x Deathwing terminators w/upgrades...
5x Deathwing terminators w/upgrades...

3x Ravenwing Bike Squad w/Plasmagun
3x Ravenwing Bike Squad w/Plasmagun

Turn 1, Tyranid turn 1 I move up splitting my forces in 2 as the Dark Angels split with 1 bike unit each flank. The Termigaunts run in order to get into the Ruin on the right flank to try and avoid the Bikes. Everything basically runs up closer. 
My opponent with his Deathwing Assault Belial cam in with a squad of Terminators and so did The Chaplain and his squad. The Tac Marines stayed back in the ruins of the building. He shot and killed a few Gargoyles.

turn 2 left flank

turn 2 right flank

Turn 2.The Doom and the Zoanthrope both come in. The doom arrives on my left flank the the Zoanthrope on the right. The Gargoyles move in position to shoot and charge the Terminators with Belial, The Tyrant moves up to try and get an angle on the bikes. The Doom starts sucking souls but only manages a few wounds on the bikes, he then uses Psychic Shriek on Belial and company with some effect. The Gargoyles shoot and charge the Terminators, killing Belial (First Blood & Slay the Warlord!) and a few terminators.
On the right flank the Termigaunts kill 2 bikes with massed shooting. The Zoanthrope and Tyrant shooting is only able to kill 1 terminator. The Hormagaunts get off the charge and take out most of the terminators with a few casualties in return.

No reserves for the Dark Angels. The bikes on the left flank shoot at the Tyrant and Guard but is ineffective. The terminators stand their ground killing a few gargoyles and losing a terminator in return. On the right flank the Bike moves into position  and shoot at the Termigaunts killing 1 and assaults, but dies in the overwatch. The continue the fight with the gargoyles losing all the Deathwing, but the chaplain survives and kills a few gaunts.

turn 3 left flank

turn 3 right flank

Turn 3.Left flank the Gargoyles finish off the Terminators. The Doom has no effect but moves forward closer to the ruins with the Tac Squad. The Tyrant moves forward and fails a charge on the bikes.
Right flank the termigaunts shift around a bit waiting for the last unit of Deathwing to come in. The Hormagaunts have a hard time with the Chaplain doing only 1 wound this turn. The Tyrant and Zoanthrope move back a bit to increase Synapse coverage.

The Last unit of Deathwing arrives in by backfield by an objective, they run to spread out. 
Left flank, the Bikes shoot and charge the Gargoyles in order to prevent a charge from them. The Doom is useless again. The Bikes kill a few Gargoyles with no losses in return. 
Right Flank, the Chaplain dies, the Hormagaunts consolidate back towards an objective. 

Turn 4 right flank

Turn 4 right flank

Turn 4 Left Flank the Doom Moved again closer to the Ruins. The Tyrant moved to assault the bikes. The Bikes died from the assault from the Tyrant before anything else could attack. The Doom was just out of range to hit the Tac Marines with a Psychic Shriek.
Right Flank, the Hormagaunts moved towards the objective. The Termigaunts moved to shoot the Terminators killing 1. The Zoanthope and Tyrant both moved to the Terminators and used Psychic Shriek killing 2 more Terminators.

Dark Angels left flank, the Tac Squad shot at the Tyrant with Plasma and wounded a Tyrant Guard, and killed a gargoyle from the Plasma Cannon. 
Right Flank, The Terminators moved up to the low wall, they shot at and attempted to assault the Tyrant with no effect.

Bottom of 4 table overview

Turn 5 left flank

Turn 5 right flank

Turn 5. Left Flank, the Doom was able to hit the Tac Squad with a Psychic Shriek killing 6 Marines. The Tyrant charged in and killed the rest of the Marines. 
On the Right Flank the Tyrant and the Termigaunts moved up. The Gaunts grabbed the objective and shot into the Terminators killing the last 2 before the Tyrant or the Zoanthropes were able to use Psychic Shriek again.

Victory Tyranids! The Dark Angels have been wiped out!

I talked with my opponent after the game and let him know I think the biggest mistake he made was splitting up his forces. As I had deployed first I was spread out, if he had just focused his force on one side of the table he would have had a better chance as I would not be able to hit all of his units at the same time, I would  of had to feed his terminators 1 unit at a time.

The game I had last night was much closer. I also used a bit of a different list. 

Hive Tyrant w/Armored Shell, Hive Commander
2x Tyrant Guard

19 Termigaunts w/Devourers
20 Hormagaunts 

Doom W/ Mycetic Spore
10x Ymgarl Genestealers
10x Ymgarl Genestealers

30x Gargoyles w/Toxin Sacs, Adrenial Glands

Now the Synapse is a lot weaker in this list but there are really only 2 units that need it, the Gargoyles and the Termigaunts. Everything else should be fine without the Synapse.

My opponents list looked something like this

Rune Priest w/Terminator Armor, Divination & Biomancy
Rune Priest w/Terminator Armor, Divination & Biomancy

4 Wolfguard terminators with 3xStorm Shield, 3xPower Axes, 1x Cyclone Missile Launcher
6 Wolfguard w/Combi-Plasma, Drop Pod

10x Gray Hunters w/1 Mark of the Wolfen, 2 Flamers
10x Gray Hunters w/1 Mark of the Wolfen, 2 Melta
10x Gray Hunters w/1 Mark of the Wolfen, 2 Plasma

Heavy Support:
6x Long Fangs w/5 missiles launchers
6x Long Fangs w/5 missiles launchers

This game was The Scouring with Vanguard Deployment. He went first.

Top of turn 1 movement

Top of turn 1 movement

This game I forgot to take pictures...

But anyway. The game was a lot of fun. The game really came down to me being able to grab a 3 point objective with my Termigaunts in the bottom of turn 4 and the Ymgarl Genestealers coming in to help take out the Gray Hunters and a unit of Long Fangs. The Doom again was not super effective but he did give a headache to my opponent and allowed my Stealers to assault without suffering overwatch.

In the end it was a 5-3 victory for the Tyranids. Tyranids got +3 from the objective, +1 Slay the Warlord, +1 Line Breaker. Space Wolves got +1 First Blood, +1 Slay the Warlord, +1 Killed Fast Attack.

At the end of the game he had a unit of Long Fangs with the CML Wolfguard in combat with the doom and had 1 Wolf Guard with Storm Shield / Power Axe in combat with 16 Ymgarl Genestealers. Besides that I only had a group of Termigaunts on the objective. We were fighting it out pretty hard... I had quite a dead pile as I started the game with over 90 models as ended with about 25 or so left.