So you are tired of getting the shit kicked out of you by a superior air force.  And you are looking for help... wondering what should you do?  Well look no further then here! 

How about we toss around some ideas.  It is a safe assumption that you are not allowed to take Forgeworld units, otherwise the Contemptor with dual autocannons and a cyclone solves all your problems right there for roughly 180pts (did I mention if it stays stationary you have interceptor and skyfire?). So without Forgeworld units what are bike armies’ answers in codex Space Marines?

Lets leave allies for a separate post.

The Easy:

Aegis Defense Line w. Quad gun. Slap a unit of scouts with or without Telion and go to town on those bad boys.  ADL provides excellent cover, and the quad gun supplies the firepower. The drawbacks being that the gun can be shot rather easily or you opponent can clear the scouts and use the gun himself. 

It is worth noting that Telion can pick out individual models in a squad using that autocannon assuming there are no flyers around.  Not a bad option!

The Utility:

Riflemen dreadnoughts.  (This is a "White Scars" blog) I know that Rifleman have suffered horrendously with the addition of hull points, (Not really... at least mine never die) they’re not nearly as durable as they used to be.  However, with their superior range combined with the addition of easier access to cover (bolster for added fun) means the riflemen can survive for the duration.  What they excel at is popping light vehicles.  They suffer against zooming flyers though.  1 Riflemen averages 1.22 hits and .4 pens and .2 glances against Armor 11!  It’s safe to say that the primary problematic flyers are armor 12 as well. 

I tend to view Riflemen as a transport popper that could shoot at flyers in a pinch.

Suck it rhinos!

The “Oh that’s right I’m playing the over-costed Marine codex”

Such a pessimist.  --Frosty

Stormtalon.  I love the flyer model with a little conversion and think that fluff wise this flyer was designed for 5th edition white scars.  Come in from outflank with Khan and his tooled up command squad assisted with Stormtalon support, but those days are long gone.  Now the stormtalon is an overpriced flying paper airplane whose odds at removing 1 flyer a turn aren’t much higher than the Riflemen.  The problem really lies in taking return fire with only armor 11 and a whopping 2 hull points, these tend to die against vicious headwinds.

Here’s the first three options, let’s hear some more!  Lets figure out ways to take back the skies!