For reference here's the original cast as rolled with the previous playtest package
- The Rage - Stout Halfling Cleric Guardian Noble
- Grudge Jr. - Hill Dwarf Warlock Bounty Hunter Healer
- Slater Jr. - Human Fighter Thief Acolyte
- Angel Ripper the Third - Wood Elf Sorcerer Thug Necromancer
- Pretty Boy Ray - Halfling Lightfoot Rogue Blacksmith Jack of all Trades
- Anvil - Human Wizard Knight Lurker
- Race: Stout Halfling
- Class: Cleric - Warbringer
- Background: Noble
- Specialty: Defender
- Race: Hill Dwarf
- Class: Cleric - Stormbringer
- Background: Bounty Hunter
- Specialty: Hedge Magician
- Race: Human
- Class: Fighter - Slayer
- Background: Guild Thief
- Specialty: Mystical Healer
- Race: Wood Elf
- Class: Evocation Wizard
- Background: Thug
- Specialty: Metamagician
- Race: Halfling Lightfoot
- Class: Rogue - Treasure Hunter
- Background: Artisan - Blacksmith
- Specialty: Expert
- Race: Human
- Class: Illusion Wizard
- Background: Knight
- Specialty: Ambusher
Next episode of Outlaw Shizzle to be played this Sunday.