If you are reading this today, or any point after, the world did not end on the 21st December 2012 (not that it would have). You can relax, the corporations and people in tin-foil hats were wrong, and we can get back to normality whilst people come back down from the French mountains, where E.T. didn't come pick them up like an interstellar taxi-driver.

So now, onto something real. My completed Deimos Pattern Rhino. For those who have been following the build process (parts one, two, three and four for those interested), it has been a fun little build, and a number of the skills learned can now be applied to other projects, such as my Fellblade.

The rhino has been painted in the standard legion colours, but with more gold, thanks to the added banding. The missiles in the Havoc Launcher were painted with Ceramite White, followed by Vallejo's Dead White.

I've also added a legion icon to the roof hatch, which mimics the one shown in another of my vehicles, the Storm Eagle.

What has changed is the weathering process. Instead of the usual Forgeworld weathering powders, I've been using Tamiya projects, which, I feel, have been doing a better job overall.

The sand weathering around the bottom was done with a Tamiya weathering stick (demonstrated in this tutorial). The smoke was done using a soot colour from their 'weathering master' kit, and the headlights were an experiment using the snow colour as a glow. An interesting idea which works quite well.

This will be the last post until after Christmas, and regular service will resume next Saturday (29th December). The Facebook page will be updated up until the 24th, so hover about for some random updating. So to finish, have a great Christmas guys, and I hope the Chaos Gods present you with gifts you hoped for (or a suitably mutated alternative). Here are a few more pictures to conclude.