Well its been a while since my last update on progress for my Hurricanum, so I thought I’d take a moment to load a couple of pictures and talk about the model.


Side Picture


I love the idea of the Hurricanum being pulled by a Demigriffon. I am Particularly happy with the acolyte riding the Demigriffon.


Top View



I’m really happy with how the whole globes turned out as well.


Other Side



A Pic of the Other side…..


Side held by hand



And by now you’ve noticed I have 2 things lacking in the pic. There is a third and fourth that I’ll do, but to start:

1. The Wizard mounted on top is not riding the model. I still have to finish that model.

2. I have to put chain attached to the Demigriffons barding to the chariot itself. (Right now he pulls it by his Telekinesis :-)


The other things which you may not have noticed that I plan on doing:

3. Building the base up 1/2 inch in depth to attach a motor to the bottom. This motor will turn a dowel rod that will be attached to the top globe system. Currently the globe system does rotate freely. My intention is that the motor will make it turn at a revolution of 1 per minute.

4. Magnetize the base – This will be an interesting task given that I am building the base up. I will not do this until the motor works because I am unsure on my space constraints right now.


And there you have it my Celestial Hurricanum thus far. I am planning on taking this in my Adepticon Championships army right now – not because it is the best choice in the book, but rather because I like the model. Heh, look at me trying to not be gamey…. :-)


My Plan right now is that this model stays fairly close to the Demigriffon unit in order to convey the +1 to hit and if its needed  - be thrown out as a redirector. In test games it has been solid, but not spectacular. That’s honestly good, because I don’t want it to be. I plan on it making my opponent think, but not on directing all the attention to it in every game.  It’s part of my whole Target Saturation plan that’ll be another post in the future.


Well off to painting more models. I have alot to go before Adepticon, so I’d best get cracking :-)


Till next time.