The only downside to this competition is that there can only be one winner and one winner alone. Much like the gaming side of 40k, the winner would need a good bit of luck to be drawn out of the hat as the victor.

Aided by my beautiful wife (in lieu of a gorgeous assistant) the draw was made earlier on today and I am pleased to inform Jacob Dillon that he is the lucky fella who gets to home a Lictor for 2012.

So, Jacob, please drop me an email and we can arrange sending the Tyranid beast out to you as soon as Christmas is over.

Thanks to everyone who entered and please keep your eyes peeled for more competitions appearing in the Immaterium in the future, as I am sure there will be a few.

And with that, I bid you all a Merry Christmas and hope Santa brings you all you desire, assuming you have all been good through the rest of the last year!