The whole crew at DFG wishes all of our friends and readers a merry Christmas. We hope that you cherish the older people who helped bring you up in this world as well as the children who are so full of life. Hold your loved ones near and dear and on this day if no other, thank them for all of their live and support. May all of us, if only for a few seconds, remember the childlike wonder of this holiday and for a moment listen for the sound of St. Nick laughing from the skies overhead.

I want to also wish a special Merry Christmas to our friends and family who are serving overseas this holiday. We honor your sacrifice by celebrating this day as well.

Finally to my Jewish brother, sister and friends, happy Chanukah and to all of my friends who otherwise do not celebrate Christmas, be safe and be merry.

This is a special time of year and none of us are promised another, so enjoy it! Merry Christmas to all!