Just a quick message to wish a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our readers! It's been a good year here on Claws & Fists, but we promise that 2013 will be even better. Amongst other things, we have two new contributors to introduce to you:

 - Dave P is an expert painter and collector of Blood Angels / Space Wolves and, more recently, Tyranids. Dave will be bringing you articles on his painting techniques as well as his progress with Nids.

- Daryl is a veteran gamer (I think that's the polite way of saying it!) and is an avid Chaos Daemons player, especially Slaanesh and Tzeentch. Daryl also harbours a long-running dream to build a pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army, of which you'll doubtless read much about when he starts posting here on C&F in the new year.
A little Christmas gift for our readers!

As well as welcoming the two new contributors, all your old favourites will still be posting too, so until the next time, we all wish you have a great festive break and a happy 2013!