So, looking over my blog statistics and my spread sheet I keep I have done a total of 55 posts and painted a 105 models. It sounds like a lot, and in many ways it is but I feel as though I could do a lot more. So, here’s hoping for next year!
My year started good, I started off expanding my dwarf armyto 2500 points. This involved me pushing my chances a little bit, mainly by doing some converting of models – such as my runesmith and runelord. Both of which I am rather happy with. Unfortunately from here it rather went downhill. After August I painted the blood bowl team which I sold on eBay and my last project of the year was the secret Santa for
The eBay stuff I am happy with the haul, making over £200 for myself from various items – most of which were minis – something I might be trying to repeat again (I have a whole load of high elves to flog and some elder). Maybe even other stuff to consider for later is buying a box to paint up and flog. I’m even considering selling off my Scions ofRa marines as I never use them; they’re just sat at the parents doing nothing.
So, overall my year in painting has been a quiet one, nothing really to speak off. However, where my painting has lacked I have done plenty of other stuff. I will admit, quite a bit of this is based off of the computer. Myself and a couple of friends have been blasting our way through World of Warcraft trying to get a character to level 90 with the new expansion – Mists of Panderia. This has been great fun, and has led to me spending more time on the game, burning time on it. In fact, too much time. This is one of those things I’m going to make a resolution to, but fail at within the first week, so let’s not do that. Aside from WOW I have discovered my love for the Civilisation games and completed two of them this Christmas (achievement hunting, as I love it). And the steam holidays sale has found me buying Blood Bowl, Oblivion and Mass Effect 1&2. Need to keep away from that now…
This isn’t to say that I haven’t done any gaming; on the contrary I have done quite a lot! I picked up a number of board games this year, and have played these A LOT. Loads being played with the family-to-be, mostly 7Wonders, and quite a few when friends are about. All worth their money, as I love evenings like that and would love to have more next year.
It’s not only been board games I’ve played, I have even managed to get some tabletop gaming in this year! I have tried to go to my local gaming group more this year, having a regular opponent now. My old, poor battered orks have seen some action and have come off worse for it in most games.
So, as you can see I’ve had a slow but varied year. Now, enough of the past on to my resolutions. I am hoping to revisit this throughout the year marking off, or mentioning what I have achieved off of the following list in 2013, and at the end like this one, I’ll do a little post about it all.
Ø Repaint and update the ork army
Ø Add more to the dwarf army
Ø Play more games, and more varied
Ø Play against different opponents and different armies
Ø Sell more stuff on eBay
Ø Try take part in more painting challenges
Ø Set up my gaming room, and get a table with terrain in there
Ø Game at least once a week, any kind of gaming
Ø Don’t buy any more games until I play more of the ones I own