My wife and I have just been discussing what we are going to do for New Year! This has been an incredibly challenging year for us, and we wanted to do something that involved just us. No resolutions, just relaxation!

That got me thinking about the ' Grand Plan' and my shocking lack of progress over the last four months or so. So I set about thinking about what my new year warhammer resolutions could be, you know, to carry me along. Perhaps resolution is the round word, as it means change. New Year plan might be more appropriate.

Anyway, he is a list (in no particular order) of Oldhammer related things that I would like to achieve over the next twelve months.

1. Play a game of Warhammer (or related games) with someone on the Warhammer Opponent Finder.
We have all thought about it, I'm sure. But I actually want to arrange something, load up the car with painted miniatures and scenery and travel to meet someone I have never actually met in person, play an exciting 3rd Edition game, photograph it extensively and publish in all its glory here on my blog. Any takers in the New Year?

A Warhammer 3rd Edition game in action!
Here's the link to Skarsnik's famous site if you have not heard of this resource before -wfb-3rd-edition-opponent-finder.html

2. Safely organise my painted models and catagorise my unpainted ones.
At the moment, all my models lie in plastic bags in an old toolbox, even the painted ones, and time will no doubt be unkind to them. What I'd like is some why of storing them with the minimum of fuss. Perhaps one day I could be as organised as this, but I think not!

I bet Erny has 10 times this amount in his famous garage!
3. Collect more Limited Edition Citadel miniatures
I want to be more focused and less impulsive. Using Billy Bunter's collection as a guide should lead me towards winning a few rare models to paint up - I definitely would like some festive models for next year!

If only, Orlygg... If only...
4. Buy a good copy of Advanced Heroquest, Space Marine (first edition) or Adeptus Titanicus.
This one needs no explanation really.

5. Paint The Nightmare Legion.
Bought by my father in the 80s and never painted. He asks everything he visits, "Have you painted the legion?" as a joke, I would like to say, yes! Additionally, its another unit for my Old School undead army.

6. Complete small daemonic armies for all four powers using Realm of Chaos.
Old school colour schemes a plenty. Doing this should help with the grand plan and I have most of the models. Warhammer at its strangest?

Not a lot is it?

Better get started. Have any other readers have any long term plans or ideas they would like to complete over the next year?
