Happy 2013 to all,

For some reason or another this seemed the best opportunity to look at what became of my last new years resolution ...  Not so great, I didn't get anything done for fantasy this year except this one model!  So no quest updates yet :(. Maybe 2014 :)

I did make a lot of ItEn progress, bolstering a collection of 34 painted models and a bunch of wip. Stuff ;)

My bloodangels didn't grow as much as I would have liked, but they did get some addition, and I'm still working on new models :).  The Dark Angel project, I'm not sure about yet; maybe I'll dump it in the next few weeks.  I love the models but can't get the colors to work for me :(

So on the model count this "year" a not so great -100.  Lets hope next year will bring us some more good news :)

So what are my plans for the new year???

A) More ItEn stuff; it's just to nice and easy to work with.
A+) I'll be doing some narative campaign of some sort

B) Blood Bowl.  I started some Ork Piratez years ago; I'll get them from under the dust rapper there in and start crushing some balls :D

C) still try and get some fantasy flowing, using Mordheim or Quest or what ever.

But stay tuned and find out what I get done :o)
