Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! Hope that 2012 was a good one, and 2013 will be just as good, if not better!
I've been doing a mess of painting recently and felt it was time to reward myself with some build time. Still on the guard kick, it was only natural that I add another tank to the collection, which could only mean one thing - another Vanquisher, hands down my favorite Leman Russ variant. The intent is to have a trio eventually, and with one built and painted so far it was time to make the command tank for the squadron.
Naturally that calls for a model to represent Knight Commander Pask. BS4 with the Crack Shot rule on my beloved Vanquisher cannon? Yes please!
My version of Pask was built from a mix of bits from the Leman Russ tank commander, and the Cadian command squad sprues. I'm a big fan of banners and flags, so why not have him waving an unfeasibly large flag from the command cupola? If anything, there will be no confusion about which tank is Pask's!
I spent a little bit of time magnetizing the side sponsons so I can run the tank with or without them (points permitting). Fairly simple, a bit of sprue cut to fit with a hole drilled to accept the magnet, and a matching magnet on the inside of the track housing. Of course, my first try had the sprues flush with the inside of the sponsons, which meant it interfered with the detail and gribblies on the sides of the tank. I ended up having to knock the sprues loose and push them back into the sponsons slightly so they would sit flush with the tank. Lesson learned: Measure twice, cut once, screw it up anyway and have to re-do it. :)
I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year! My plan is to have a nice glass of scotch and be asleep by about 9:00pm. I'm an animal, I know. Hah!
Imperial Guard – Vanquisher Squadron Command Tank
by Mordian7th | Dec 31, 2012