Got two more games of BloodBowl in today.
First up - Vs. My old Nurgle team (literally, he bought it from me after the last season).
It was a bit odd playing against my own paint job. This one was a grinder. It was a 0-1 loss for me, Casualties were 3-0 in my favor though.
Second game of the day was vs. a new player's Orc team.
He's using the Puppet's War Orc heads (they look gooooooood). When his team is painted, it will look nice. This one was a... what's the phrase... ass beating. Yeah. I put 2 guys in the Dead and Injured Box, 4 in the Knock Out, won 3-0, received 2 casualties (no long term effects) and walked away with 80k in winnings.
Last two games of 2012
by Trent | Dec 31, 2012