Very cool diorama
In my last post, located here, I discussed how Eldar allies (at least how I am approaching them) compliments my current bike list while covering their weaknesses.  It is still a work in progress and needs some work, but at this point in time I am really happy with them.

So here it is...

Space Marines (Main)

Space Marine Captain (100) with bike (35), artificer armor (15), and power fist (25) = [175]

Drednought (105) with 2x twin linked autocannons (20) = [125]

Drednought (105) with 2x twin linked autocannons (20) = [125]

Space Marine Bike Squad (8 man) (215) with 2x melta guns (20) and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [285]

Space Marine Bike Squad (4 man) (115) with 2x melta guns (20), a melta bomb (5), and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [190]

Space Marine Bike Squad (4 man) (115) with 2x melta guns (20), a melta bomb (5), and an attack bike (40) with multi-melta (10) = [190]

Thunderfire Cannon (100) = [100]

Thunderfire Cannon (100) = [100]

Eldar (Allies) 

Farseer (55) with Runes of Warding (15), Spirit Stones (20), Eldar Jet Bike (30), Guide (20), and Doom (25) = [165]

Guardian Jetbike Squad (3 man) (66) = [66]

Warp Spiders (6 man) (132) with Exarch (12) with dual death spinners (5) = [149]

War Walker Squadron (3 vehicles) (90) each with dual scatter lasers (90) = [180]

Total = [1850]

The only unit I am not completely sold on is the warp spiders.  However when used in tandem with the mobility of the farseer on a jetbike, they are extremely maneuverable.  Not to mention in a pinch they can dish out some pain.  I have entertained the idea of dropping one drednought for a larger warp spider squad (with some more gear) and another unit of eldar jetbikes.  While this would decrease my long range firepower output, it would give me another scoring unit while making the warp spiders truly annoying.

At any rate, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  Until next time.