If you have any knowledge about serious miniature painting in the '80s, or the early years of the Golden Demon and were asked to name a few of the legends of that era, then Steve Blunt will no doubt be one of the names that spills from your lips. 

Well, quite by accident I have stumbled across the great man's blog, and yes, he is still working on miniatures today. Though only updated occasionally, Steve's blog has a gold mine of Old School classic miniatures that would be of interest to readers of this blog. 

So as I have done before, I present them for you below. If you want to check out the rest of his blog, it can be found by following this link.

Who remembers this then? Winner of the Slayer Sword in 1989. Nurgle Chariot!
These digital pictures really bring out the detail. Its nice to see this classic model from a fresh angle too! 
This converted chaos knight is also a long standing favourite of mine. I never realised that the model was fitted with a cape until I saw this image. Brilliant base!
His blog also includes many classic Citadel sculpts painted at the same time, but never published, such as this minotaur. 

Norse Dwarfs
Goblin caravan from 1991. How many pieces can you spot from classic metal kits?
Astonishing shield painting reminds me of another old legend, Fraser Grey! 
Steve's 1992 entry at the Golden Demon. Another one of his models not published elsewhere.

